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Wild Berries

My Approach

I specialize in helping my clients thread the needle of acceptance and change. Accepting the emotions that don’t make sense and cause you all sorts of trouble requires a degree of willingness to change things up. Changing what isn’t working requires coming to terms with what you’ve been scared to look in the eye. It’s a balancing act and I’m here for all of it.


I love working with folks who are on a journey, mostly because I’m on one too. My specialties are born from my own passions and healing and growth. I love to work with anxious people because I too live with anxiety. I love working with people who are dismantling the unhelpful beliefs of their religion of origin because I too have had to tear down and eventually rebuild what it means to be a person of faith. I love working with emotionally dysregulated folks because I too have been controlled by my emotions and thoughts.


Everybody’s path is different and so I pull from an eclectic mix of tools to support you on your healing work. I’m not here to show you my way, I’m here to help you find YOUR way. My approach is rooted in compassion for where you’ve been and where you are now and commitment to help you get to where you want to be.

Late in the winter each year, I attempt a garden and each and every spring, I am quite literally shocked that anything sprouts. And when my vegetables keep growing and even begin producing, I am floored by the actual miracle unfolding in front of my disbelieving eyes. It’s the mysterious mash up of biology and magic growing up from the dark earth, full of metaphors for the work of therapy. Healing can feel so achingly slow and we can get hopeless that spring will never arrive and yet, every year it does. I am here with you in the waiting and the work of healing. This is my jam, y’all.


If you’re interested in working together, please take a look at my services below. I am seeing folks online or in person in my office in Black Mountain and I’d love to connect.

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